Angeli Kakade
Jan 2, 2021
UPDATE: On Sunday morning, the organization said they’d reached and surpassed their goal, ending with more than 174,500 diapers.
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH – Saturday is the last day to donate to the Indiana Diaper Bank’s holiday drive, but the organization says they still need 25,000 diapers to reach their goal of 150,000.
It’s a big push, but one they believe is possible.
To put that 25,000 into perspective, that’s the same as 250 people donating one large box of diapers.
The drive is part of their Share The Love holiday diaper campaign put on largely in response to the coronavirus pandemic. A combination of increased demand for wipes and diapers with not being able to host in person diaper drives has limited their supply.
As the states only diaper bank, the organization says while diapers are critical, the drive also hopes to foster a supportive online environment where parents can build one another up and acknowledge that support is essential in helping parents achieve their best.
Visit our "Get Involved" page to see how you can help.
You can also participate by spreading the word of support on social media with the hashtag #ShareTheLove.